Mrs. Pooja Singh comes with an experience of a coordinator to develop a creative learning community across the school. She has knowledge, understanding and enthusiasm for creative teaching and learning as a key to raising achievement, aspiration and motivation. She acts as a facilitator cum coordinator in school, able to translate the school’s vision for creative learning into practical implementation. She ensures that children play a meaningful and active role in learning that can truly reflect their interests, needs and enthusiasms. She plays a key role in making schools programmes successful. She takes overall responsibility for programme and project management, delegating extensively across the school community and ensuring roles and responsibilities are understood clearly by all. She also coordinates, in partnership with the Creative Agent, meetings and activities with creative practitioners, school staff and other partners. She facilitates the inter-classroom observations, monitoring the School Project requirement, cohort meetings. She provides leadership in the ongoing development of the Collaborative Schools Model principles.
Mrs Pooja SinghWhen Educating The Mind Of the Young We Must Not Forget To Educate Their Heart.
In Kaushalya education is a social process, education is growth, education is not a preparation for life but is life itself.
I believe children today have different value systems, they have become more analytical, and hence they have to be taught differently to let them discover the wonderful world. Thus in our school, we together have developed and designed the most relevant teaching methodology, which aims to provide intellectual nourishment and at the same time train tender minds to develop emotional stability and strength to respond creatively to the challenges of a world full of restlessness and relentless competition.
Today with the fast-evolving and self-elevating society, Education has also had its share of evolution. 21st-century education is based on real-life situations powered by technology.
My vision is to foster students to be confident, responsible and self-reliant individuals who aspire to achieve greater heights and goals.
We, at Kaushalya World School Greater Noida, promote students to be lifelong learners.
"Learn From Yesterday,
Live For Today,
Hope For Tomorrow,
But The Most Important Thing Is Not To Stop Questioning."
Ms.Tanu Nagar
The highest education is that
which does not merely give us
information but makes our life
in harmony with all existence
Rabindranath Tagore
Our students today are faced with challenges at every turn making it imperative for us to equip them with the skills and capabilities they need to achieve their goals and fulfill their dreams. Our endeavour, therefore, is to create an environment that facilitates learning which not only promotes intellectual growth but also provides them with the tools they need to become critical thinkers, inspired learners and path-breaking innovators.
She evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of her students and guides them to follow the best practices. She not only brings out the best from the students but teaches them valuable life skills too like communication, compassion, organization, and presentation. She is the one who motivates the students to do better in every domain and help them achieve life goals.
She is always supportive and compassionate towards his students and appreciates their achievements in every field. She has a precious connection with the students and always encourages them to do better. She assesses students’ nature, observes their interests, encourages them to reach their full potential, and inspires them to give their best.
A little progress each day
Adds up to big results.
Ms. Tanu Nagar
Coordinator (VI-VIII)
Ms. Rajni Gandha
“The highest education is that which does not merely give us information, but makes our life in harmony with all existence.”
I believe that the fundamental purpose of education is to encourage the children to bring about a positive modification in their behaviour as they ascend the ladder of learning and knowledge. Education is a process in which and by which the knowledge, characters and behaviour of the human being are shaped and moulded. Education paves the path to knowledge and knowledge leads to wisdom in all these aspects.
The cornerstone of the philosophy of the Kaushalya World school is the belief in each and every child, which is manifested in the academic and the co-curricular opportunities we provide to all our students. Further, the children must feel confident of themselves and their abilities and capacities, respected and wanted for what they are and therefore safe and secure.
As we stand on the threshold of a new education system, having covered half a century in the endeavour to create independent thinking, creative and sensitive individuals, we seek to produce more such torchbearers to further ignite many more minds and create a world painted with wisdom, humility and happiness. For this, we always in process to unlock new ways of viewing problems, and with the new education policy, open doors to a brand-new world of potential solutions and perceptions
In partnership with supportive families, we strive to develop in each child the desire and discipline to grow in wisdom, to lead lives of personal honour, to embrace diversity, to appreciate beauty, to pursue physical well-being and to interact with others with a generous and compassionate spirit.
My vision is to encourage our children to develop self-confidence, self-discipline, respect and value the achievements, beliefs of others and to seek significance and purpose in all their experiences.
“When learning is purposeful,Creativity blossoms.
When creativity blossoms,Thinking emanates.
When thinking emanates, knowledge is fully lit.
When knowledge is lit, economy flourishes.”
Ms. Rajni Gandha
Coordinator (Standard 3 to 5)
Kaushalya World School