1 to 10th of April, June, August, October, December Fee Counter Office Hours: Monday to Saturday (9:00 am to 4:00 pm)
The parents are requested to adhere to the rules and regulations laid down below for fee collection: School fee is payable on bi-monthly basis i.e. 2 months fee at a time as per the details given below.
10th August From 11th August till date of payment rs. 20/- per day
Bi–Monthly | Last Date of Payment | Last Date of Payment | Final Date of Payment |
April – May | 10th April | From 11th April till date of payment Rs. 20/- per day | Fee will not be accepted after 30th April and name of the student will be struck off from the school rolls in case the fee is not paid till 30th April. Re-admission fee will be charged in addition to previous dues. |
June-July | 10th June | From 11th June till date of payment Rs. 20/- per day. | Fee will not be accepted after 30th June and name of the student will be struck off from the school rolls in case the fee is not paid till 30th June. Re-admission fee will be charged in addition to previous dues. |
AugustSeptember | 10th August | From 11th August till date of payment Rs. 20/- per day | Fee will not be accepted after 30th August and name of the student will be struck off from the school rolls in case the fee is not paid till 30th August. Re-admission fee will be charged in addition to previous dues. |
OctoberNovember | 10th October | From 11th October till date of payment Rs. 20/- per day. | Fee will not be accepted after 30th October and name of the student will be struck off from the school rolls in case the fee is not paid till 30th October. Re-admission fee will be charged in addition to previous dues. |
December–January | 10th December | From 11th December till date of payment Rs. 20/- per day. | Fee will not be accepted after 30th December and name of the student will be struck off from the school rolls in case the fee is not paid till 30th December. Re-admission fee will be charged in addition to previous dues. |
February – March | 10th February | From 11th February till date of payment Rs. 20/- per day. | Fee will not be accepted after 30th February and name of the student will be struck off from the school rolls in case the fee is not paid till 30th February. Re-admission fee will be charged in addition to previous dues. |
1. School fees can be deposit in the form of Cheque/ Draft/ Cash in favour of “ KAUSHALYA WORLD SCHOOL”.
2. Online payment facility is available through NEFT/ RTGS with
Branch Name- HDFC Bank, C1 Alfa Plaza, Alfa Commercial Belt, Greater Noida
IFSC Code No. HDFC0000278
Account Name- Kaushalya World School
Account No. 02782560001506
1. All School dues must be paid at the designated Bank through any of the payment mode on or before last date of payment to avoid late fine and penalty.
2. The Cheque and Demand Draft must contain student’s name, Class, Section Admission No. and Contact No.
3. Date of Payment is the actual date of realization in bank, parents are advised to deposit fee well in advance in case of Bank Holidays etc.
4. Late Fine of Rs.20/- per day on late payment of Fee is applicable on delay beyond last date of payment including all holidays till the payment is made.
5. The name of the student will be struck off if the fee is not paid till last day of 2nd month of the Quarter. e.g. April – June, 31st May, name will be struck off on 31st May.
6. Any fee defaulter shall be regularized only after the permission of the Principal even if the fee is deposited directly at the bank counter. Mere submission of any request to the school authorities does not mean it is accepted/permitted/sanctioned by the school unless it is intimated to the applicant.
7. Re-admission may be allowed only after payment of all dues including Late Fees along with existing Admission Fees and subject to availability of a seat in the relevant class.
8. Partial payment of fees is not accepted by the School and part payment will be treated as non- payment and late fine and penalty will be applicable till the complete payment is made.
9. Cheque returned by the bank on which it is drawn, for any reason whatsoever shall be treated as non- payment of dues and additional amount of Rs.200/- shall be charged towards expenses along with Late fine and Penalty as applicable.
10. No student whose fee remains unpaid either in full or in part will be allowed to sit for the examination.
11. Internal examination results, reports or recommendations to other schools/ colleges will not be issued to the student or parent unless outstanding dues are cleared.