The school encourages disciplinary skills amongst students of all age groups. Students are habituated to walk in lines. Each class creates a set of Classroom Rules that they design for themselves. Behavioural norms are repeated time and again to acquaint students with school Discipline Policy
The child’s safety is the utmost priority in our school. PARENT PICK UP/ BUS PICK UP CARDS have been issued to the list of steps being taken to keep students safe. There are two types of dispersal pick up cards in our school.
1. GREY CARD: The Parents will pick up their child from Bus Stop/School Premises.
2. YELLOW CARD: The Parents allow their ward to commute to and from the School Premises/Bus Stop on his/her own without any adult supervision.
The students will not be allowed to leave with a parent/ person unless the CARD is presented.
Discipline is enforced in the school through Remarks, Warning Letters and Yellow, Orange and Red card system. An act of indiscipline would call for the issuance of a YELLOW CARD and the student would be expected to shirk away from any such act in future. However, serving the same student with three yellow cards for indiscipline at different occasions would result in issuance of an ORANGE CARD and the parents of the student would be liable to be summoned by the Principal/ Discipline Head.
1. Two Orange cards would be equivalent to one RED CARD and would result into suspension from the school for two weeks or more and expulsion from the school at the end of academic year.
2. It is important to note here that Orange and Red cards may be issued directly, in case of negligence shown in zero tolerance areas.