“Education is not merely accumulation of facts; it is preparation for life itself!”
The global goal of education is to envision ‘Education for all’ –not merely in terms of acquisition of learning skills but most importantly the life skills. Children today have the potential to be successful in whatever they do and they will certainly bring a positive change in the ever changing world. The need of the hour is to provide an educational system which amalgamates the aspirations of the present generation, without distorting our value system.
Kaushalya World School is committed to preparing global citizens equipped with the life skills required to meet the challenges around them. We are committed to our noble mission of providing excellence in value based quality Education of global standards and retaining our diverse and cultural heritage too.
I strongly believe, schools are living organizations that influence lives. Thus, our institution ensures to build up ethos and environment, which are in perfect alignment with its core values, ethics and principles. At Kaushalya World School we understand the needs of our students and those of the society.
Everyone at Kaushalya supports and collaborates in shaping tomorrow’s India. Let’s come together and forge ahead with a vision to academic and human excellence. It is my strong conviction that youth alone is empowered to pull the country out of morass and place it on the pedestal where strength, progress and peace prevail.
'The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams!'
Aditya or Adi as he is fondly called by his known one is the fresh face of an empire that has lasted in many fields like real estate, hospitality and education. He holds a global business degree from Institute of Integrated Learning in Management, Lodhi Road, Delhi. He is an avid player of squash, a horse rider and an excellent swimmer.
Being blessed with raw entrepreneurial calibre and excellent soft skills, Adi plans to take his family business ahead in all directions possible. While being extremely dedicated to his work, Adi is also sensitive to planet needs and actively advocates for green and clean energy. His fresh thinking adds a totally different dimension to the KWS management. He believes in dedication and imparting holistic education to each child at KWS.
On regular days, you will find Adi walking across the halls and greeting children and team KWS Staff with a radiant smile. He possesses impeccable integrity and is utterly humble. He always brings on board creative ideas and promotes entrepreneurship, critical thinking and innovative thinking culture in the school.
Kaushalya World School envisages imparting education with determined core values and personalized peripheral values in the essence of international standards. The learning at KWS encompasses all aspects of moulding child’s personality and equipping him for life ahead. In this era of rapid advent of technology and socio economic readjustments throughout the globe, the role of school education has become radically imperative. The aim of our school is to contour the holistic personality of the child through sharpening his intellect, nurturing his creativity, strengthening his physique and above all enriching his character. Our foremost objective of education at Kaushalya World School is to prepare our students with a desire to explore talent, enhance the capacities to become a productive unit of the society and source of economic strength for self, family & nation. People call it a school and we call it a learning centre. The dedicated team of learning officers i.e. team of teachers are committed to ensure quality education to every child with strategic scheduling for the secured future of our vista generation ahead. The search, research and exploration has to be the continuum for the social equalizer and comprehensive development of the learner in this rapidly changing world. Experience is the only teacher we have. We may talk and reason all our lives, but we shall not understand a word of truth until we experience it ourselves. Experiential learning is the pivot of all teaching learning processes at KWS. The education at this learning centre fosters the natural inclination to bonds of national and international unity. Everyone at Kaushalya World School firmly deems and practices the dictum of Swami Vivekananda. Our parents are significant stakeholders in the learning and growing up process of children and we are assured of receiving their everlasting benign support. "Live for an ideal and that one ideal alone. Let it be so great, so strong, that there may be nothing else left in the mind; no place for anything else, no time for anything else. Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is achieved".